David Hoksza

I am a researcher at the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague. My main research interests center around the development of algorithms and tools in the area of structural bioinformatics and data visualization. I have been involved in projects dealing mostly with protein and RNA structure with occasional excursions to the fields of cheminformatics (ligand-based virtual screening, exploration of chemical space), computational genomics (analysis of MinION data) and systems biology (visualization and analysis of molecular networks).


The main projects I am currently involved in are the P2Rank framework, R2DT (via the Traveler project) and Genomics 2 Proteins portal.
Also see our research group's software and my GitHub repo.


Main publications. See my Google Scholar profile to see the full list.



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Malostranské nám. 25
118 00 Prague
Czech Republic


+420 95155 4406